The month of Ocotber 2008 Friday, October 31, 2008 Time: 4:55 pm October!!! on the 18 of october i have to pass up my big project herb and spice assignment. then on the 17 i have an interview in dockland to do trial for job.Eventually i got the job. In another side i oso have a trial in a cafe on 20 oct. so i have to choose either one place to work. but of cos i choose the dockland bec it give me to learn more thing than the cafe. but the cafe shop likes me a lot so i told them i maybe can work during december i will be waiting to work with them on december. bec during december i can work unlimited. This may also able to earn more money too.. hehe.. then i started to work on the 23 of oct. thats y u i din update my blog. i was busy and tired. i am sorry ST Kilda beach Sunday, October 19, 2008 Time: 5:36 pm Dear all Happy and fun day... i went to st kilda beach with my fren after my church service. reach there around 2pm with korean gal (hee yeong), thailand (A,wilariat), and cedric (vietnam) and tom (malaysia) After reach there went to st kilda market along the street they sell many souviner, we were so attracted until delay our time to go to the beach.. though today is a good day to touch the water.. Unfortunately, the weather is so cold until we were freezing... we went to luna like genting highland theme park.. but this is mostly for children.. so we din manage to play but we went it to take photo and have a look how is luna park looks like.. Before we go to beach, we went to have our lunch,tea and dinner in one meal.. at nandoooosssss haha.. Instead picnic at beach we picnic in nandooosss...haha.. we finish our food at there and went to have desert (Cake)!!!! the most delicious and varieties of cake that u cant get in the city!!!// Then on our way we went to the beach to walk and see the scenary and have beautiful coffee.. and enjoy the view and air at the beach.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ^+^ 9 OCT 2008 Injured Thursday, October 09, 2008 Time: 10:38 pm TOday is practical class after two weeks holiday. Nearly forget my the demo class what the teacher cook i went to college. Then start cooking.. half way through cutting pumpkin i cut my hand..Haha.. I was trying to remove the pumpkin from my knife while i looking at outside a while. and i cut my finger.. bleed a lot.. i do compress and put plaster and wear glove. Guess wat?? my glove has blood too.. so need to change to a smaller glove to give pressure the the finger and make sure it won't bleed out.. But it still continue to bleed and i decided to wear double glove to cook. Today suppose to cook faster. i think just bec finger injured slow down my work. Went back home and do workplan and went to aldi to buy some stuff. Tiring day.. lost blood and have to do homework.. hmm...boring at the same time.. depress to find a job.. WHEN CAN I HAVE A JOB? I WANT TO EARN $$$ AND WORK!!! 7 July ~~~~ Miserable Day~~~@@ Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Time: 10:41 pm Actually today is half good half not good... The good things happen is because i got an interview with The Coffee Club for a kitchen job.. but i have to wait for reply tml..if i am selected i will be called and ask for the induction on Friday.. then u forget to return one book just yesterday i should return it and they charge me 30 cent for one day not returning it..... At night!! i went downstair to cook my dinner i realize that my RICE COOKER is not working!!!! WHAT IS THIS MAN!!!!!! but i still got rice to eat...i use my housemate rice cooker.... BUT HOW about mine????? What to do with it????? i call mum to tell her about my rice cooker... then she say she try to ask my cousin to bring another new rice cooker over to me... OMG!!!!! WHy is my rice cooker is not working?????? What happen man!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!! @@34567890-=09876543212345675432!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#$%^&*()*&^%$#@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#@! Stupid rice cooker....!!!!!!! Feel like fixing it..But i dunno what is the problem with the rice cooker.... ARRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DUN LIKE THIS FEELING!!!! WHEN EVER I MISSES somthing i will feel stress... but i try to overcalm it.... Plz help me pray to god .... Ask him to help me.... ask him to protect me.. %%% Holiday is end%%% Monday, October 06, 2008 Time: 5:38 pm Well... today is Monday dy... My holiday ended dy... SAturday Kang meng call me and tell me that Sunday will start day light saving.. I was like WAT??????\ WAT IS Day light saving???? Din hear before!!! No one told me before!!!! Feel so stupid me...keke... Kidding nia Haha... i feel its stupid to have day light saving...because on Sunday i sit in the living room to do my work. I sit the whole day.. But when it come to 8pm. the sky is still not dark.. WAt iS THIS MAN!!! And i am not ready to eat my dinner... so i have a late dinner on Sunday.. The govement should extend the time rather than i have to move my time early by 1 hours... STU>..!!!! U know wat??? now i have to wake up even more early.. so sad cannot sleep longer dy... haiz... I am SAd SAd Sad because i lost 1 hours dy... Argghhhh... Still Malaysia is the best... i wan go home.... Haizz...too bad i have to finish my studies first.. Oh ya on Saturday i went to MArket to buy fish.. I love fish...Since i came here i din really eat fish.. always eat meat if not chicken (SIEZ~~~~) Sometimes on sat the fish is cheap i bought 3 fish 3 dollar for 1 kg.. so the 3 fish can eat for 2 weeks... so two weeks i can eat fish... i am happpy to eat fish rather than eating meat... In malaysia fish is cheap but meat is expensive (i think) keke but fish is good for health.. so i prefer fish.. not meat!!!! I oso did buy a lot of vegetable bec i knew that assignment day is due i got no time to buy food and sometime event no time to eat or cook... so simply buy more vegetable and fish.. easy cook and fast haha.... ##During the Hoilday## Sunday, October 05, 2008 Time: 5:16 pm Well... I think i have told u that i have holiday for two weeks. the first week most of my time spend in the Fine food Melbourne eat and drink and see competition between the students. On Friday i begin to start my assignment. There is 4 assignment to complete and 1 homework. Is not easy to finish in a week. But i have to try no matter wat..keke.. On Saturday i was invited to go for 10 15... Ten Fifteen!!! i was great and open eyes event.. i was told that every year they will have 3 - 4 times.. This time 10 15 is the last time held ,for planet shaker.. if i wan to watch again i must go next year..keke... Is held because to let outsider to know what actually planet shaker does and wat event they have... Many people invited their frens to 1015. It was crowded with people and the environment is very nice (maybe u will feel noisy like going to disco)(but this is worshiping god)(we sing praises to god) It was fun It draw many outside to know god and believe there is GOd.. Well i get to know a few fren in that place.. i was so happy and comfortable.. I think i will go next year.. If u are in melbourne.. try not to miss this event.. Is a great event.. u will love it.. I wanted to record some video and show u guys.. but too bad.. they don;t allow u to do i have to keep in my memory and tell u how great is it.. On sunday i went to church in the morning and as usual go home and do my assignment.. Jonathan was the one who invited me to 1015 and he oso did invite me to join his urban life for lunch.. but i have to go home and go to market to buy food and finish my assignment...haha... On monday that is 29 september. Urban life is on. i went for the monday conducted by Jia heng and adeline.. is near to my house just 10 min walks oli.. Of coz first day i went it was a bit scare for me.. When i when there i meet some new frens. They were very nice and friendly.. They start by introducing ourself and where we study and wat favourite movie we like to watch..However If u know me.. i like to watch all kinds of movie.. but they say have to choose one.. but i cant choose.. because i watch movie dun see the title of the movie except some of the movie is short to rememeber and famous i will remember la.. But my favourite hmmm.... i really dunnoo... So they continue will singing songs and prayer and some sharing.. Is really nice to go for the urban life.. The next day went to college and continue to finish my assignment again...( ASSIGNMENT NEVER END!!!!)@@@@@@@ sAME WITH WEDNESDAY TILL FRIDAY of coz i got out and find job but still cant get a job.. sob sob... and sad sad.... Pray for me to get a job asap thanks (IMPORTANT) is part of my course to work... |
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